Friday, August 27, 2010


Based on (Research + professional touch):

Flush toilets, also called water closets (or WC's)...have two
major items; the bowl and the water reservior,
both ceramic-made representing the engineer's touch of genius,
all for your comfort.

Two types I've encountered so far, one is the squat-type
and the other, the seat-type as comfortable as a sofa.

And it would be so strange for someone to sit on a squat-toilet,
I mean, with the bums directly in contact,
just as it's exactly sickening to find someone having squatted on
your toilet seat, with the feet on the edges of the bowl...not for
anything but a mere taboo or norm
found in some traditions throughout the world. Sometimes you
wonder how cultures worlds apart share the same taboo...!!!

Now look!, after doing the important work, lo and behold!,
the toilet flushing system fails to flush the contents out of
the bowl, yes just imagine! you needing to frustratingly flush twice
everytime you visit.
And, well, in some strenuos occassions, you may want to get water in the
bucket, raise it high enough and pour it into the bowl with enough pressure
to finally...wheeew!!!..flushout the contents from the toilet bowl.

And how much water have you used?
And yet you MUST, have to, visit the toilet again, tomorrow, everyday,
many times, every month of the year!! Boy or girl, dont you love visiting
the toilet more than your loved ones!?! or are you made to visit under
duress by your own body system
or is it that you have taken on the responsibility of being the health-
implementor of your own body system.
Whichever way, you'd be just about the best customer for the water-bill guys
full of smiles of "hey-buddy, your existance is our topmost priority" ...your bill please!!!.

huhh!!!! that's called a checkmate my friend!
suffer ye to be victim of imperfect designs or wrong choices

What would your next move be?
To blame the mechanical engineer?
the maker of the flushing toilet?
or to go to the market to buy a brand new all-expensive flush-toilet?

Wouldnt that be a little extra torture resulting
from ignorance of the things that are?

And why go through all this torture?
Simply because you had that famous heavy meal
producing heavier stool?
Say, did you eat the African food?, I mean, have you noted that stool from
the African tends to be much heavier than that from the Asian or Western!?!

"Have you noted", adds on the engineer, "that even the flushing system
technology is much more reliant upon the heaviness of the stool passed
out by the, you! ?"

What we are trying to say is....

One system spirals water in the bowl whereas the other
pressure-powers the water down, i.e., it pushes it down.
Within these two are the many sub-categories depending on the
It's highly likely that the one in your house is of the spiral type.

Ideally you'd also like your toilet to save on the water while
operating at maximum performance, typical of the push-down type.
And shhh.... it shouldnt make
so much noise that late at night and more-over every-night!...typical of
the spiral type.
Latest technology in toilets are now incorporating pressure
assisted flushing of water such that you'll only hear that
quick 'whoosh!' while the contents are swooped out nicely.
Kohler toilet manufacturers call this Pressure-lite
Toilets sold at...ouh!!!...ooops forgot the pricing-issues!

--> Nathan.
MSc.Structural Engineering(Tongji Univ. Shanghai, China)
BSc.Civil Engineering (Makerere Univ, Kampala, Uganda)

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